Industrial policy is a key element for successful economic and industry development, and it is of great significance for competitiveness of industrial products and services in European Union. Industrial policy as like active and all-inclusive appliance of activities which are directed to structural regulation and stimulate industrial competitiveness, it have on a long way development ad moment to begin common overnational politics of member countries European Union. Nature of that kind of politic can be observed as a gathering of all shapes of activities which establishment use as a tool to direct industrial arrangements in the way which is considered by every country as most desirable. With the ninetieth years, defined horizontal access coordinate industrial policy, based on principles to open and competitive united market. New concept of the European Union’s industrial policy as defined in the “Lisbon Strategy” and its subsequent revisions.

Key words: Industrial policy, European Union, Lisbon Strategy, Revisions Lisbon strategy.

JEL Classification: L52

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