Review process

In order to ensure a high quality of the published contributions, the Journal applies the double-blind review process. Experts in the consideration and critical valuation of manuscripts - recognized in both the national and international academic communities - are involved in the reviewing of all submitted manuscripts.

After the submission of a manuscript, taking into account its subject and the scientific instrumentarium used, the Editorial Board appoints at least two reviewers. Returning a manuscript to its author/coauthors for revision does not guarantee that the manuscript will be accepted for publishing. The Editorial Board¢s final decision is based on the reviewers' comments after their repeated review of the revised manuscript.

The reviewing process takes approximately 4-6 weeks to complete. The author of the manuscript will be notified of a possibility of having the manuscript published as soon as the reviewing process has been brought to an end.

When coauthor manuscripts are concerned, the correspondence is directed to the designated author, who is responsible for communication with the other coauthors of the manuscript in connection with obtaining the final manuscript, by signing the Statements of the Originality of Manuscripts and Copyright Transfer.